Company Name and Company Logo can be added in to customise your report to show your brand identity.

Logo & Company name on Report 1   Logo & Company name on Report 2

Follow the steps below to change your Company Name and Company Logo:

  1.  Click on the circle on the top right of the page, that shows the initials of your first and last name.
    Click on the Top Right Circle
  2. Click on “My Profile”. System will direct you to the page
    click on My Profile
  3. Scroll down until you see the segment titled as Company Details.
    Scroll down to see company details segment
  4. Change your Company Name in the “Company Name” field. You may upload your company logo by clicking on the “Upload” box below the Company Logo word.
    Change company name & logo here

    Best to use images with square dimensions (e.g 900px x 900px, or 1:1)

  5. Click “Save” on the top right