As you review your client’s/advisee’s Insurance Policies, you will find a need to update them from time to time.

Some of the key items that you may want to update are:

  • Policy Name
  • Policy Number
  • Commencement Date
  • Maturity Date
  • Premium
  • Mode of Payment
  • Current Status
  • Coverage
  • Nomination / beneficiary / trustee / contingent owner / assignee
  • etc

Follow the steps below:

  1.  At the Advisee page (, select the Advisee that you wish to update.
    Advisee Page with List of advisees
  2.  As you land in the Summary Page of the Advisee, select the Icon of the Person In a Shield.
    Click on 2nd Icon
  3.  You will be directed to the Own Polices page, where you can see the Summary of the Policies. Click on “Owned Policies”
    Click on Owned Policies
  4.  You will be directed to a page with the list of policies that the Advisee currently own.
    Owned Policies Page
  5.  You can add more policies by clicking on the “+Add new policy” button.
    Click add new policy to add
  6.  You can select any of the policies that you with to edit by clicking on the policy.
    Click policy to enter
  7.  Update the policies based on the multiple tabs and fields available.
    Policy Details Policy - Coverage Policy - Nominee
  8.  Click “Save” after you updated or added new policy to update the report.