As you review your client’s/advisee’s Financial Analysis Report (FAR), you will find a need to update their cashflow from time to time.

Some of the key items that you may want to update are:

  • Cash Inflow / Income
  • Cash Outflow / Expenses
    • Loan Payments
    • Mortgages (Instalment & Outstanding amount)
    • Hire Purchase (Instalment & Outstanding amount)
    • Variable Expenses
    • Lumpsum Expenses
    • etc

Follow the steps below:

  1.  At the Advisee page (, select the Advisee that you wish to update.
    Advisee Page with List of advisees
  2.  As you land in the Summary Page of the Advisee, select the 3rd Icon (the one that looks like paper money).
  3.  You will be directed to the Cashflow page, you can click on Cash Inflow to update the Income, or click on Cash Outflow to update the Expenses.
    Cash Inflow & Cash Outflow
  4.  At Cash Outflow /  Expenses, you can update items as below
    1. Loan Payments
      Loan Payments
    2. Fix Payments
      Fixed Payments
    3. Variable Payments
      Variable Payments
  5.  Finport Pulse calculates the expenses under 3 different categories
    1. Total Expenses without Loans and Premiums
      – this is the sum of the Fix Payments and Variable Payments. You can also just click on override button on the above to put in a lumpsum amount.
      Total Expenses without Loans and Premiums
    2. Total Loan Instalments
      – this is the sum of the Loan Payments by self
      Loan Payments
    3. Total Monthly Premiums
      – this is automatically calculated from the Premiums paid in Owned Policies
      Premium Paid calculated from premiums in owned policies
  6.  Click “Save” after you updated or added new variables to update the report.