Once your free trial has expired, you are required to subscribe to continue to enjoy what our system is able to offer.

Here is how you can subscribe or update your subscription.

Follow the steps below:

  1.  Click on the circle on the top right of the page, that shows the initials of your first and last name.
    Click on the Top Right Circle
  2. Select Billing, and you will be directed to the billing page https://www.finportpulse.com/billing
    Select Billing
  3. Here is where you can see your balance days for your free trial.
    Free Trial Balance
  4. Receipt Details is where you can update your information that’ll appear in the Invoice and Receipt
    Receipt Details
    Update Receipt Details
  5. Billing Email Receipts is where you can put in your email address, where we will email the documents to you
    Billing Email Receipts
    Update Email Details
  6. Billing History is where you can view all your past invoices and receipts
    Billing History
  7.  Once you have done key in your details in Receipt Details, click on Upgrade Now, you will be directed to the Subscription page https://www.finportpulse.com/billing-subscription
    Upgrade Now
  8.  You may select which License you want and if you want to subscribe Monthly or Annually (you will get to enjoy extra discount when you subscribed Annually)
    Subscription Licenses
  9.  Once you have selected your License and Method, go to Summary and Tick on the T&C, and click on Proceed to Checkout. Click Ok.
    Summary & Checkout
    Check out ok
  10.  You will then be directed to the Checkout Page. Fill in your necessary information and click Subscribed.
    Stripe Page
  11. Your credit card will be charged based on the subscription method selected (Monthly or Annually).