As you review your client’s/advisee’s details, you will find a need to update them from time to time. Some of the details that can be updated are

  • Personal details
    • Contact number
    • Email address
    • Occupation
    • Identification No. / IC No.
    • Marital Status
  • Family member or Dependant details
    • Addition of family member / dependant
    • update family member’s  / dependants age and year of dependant
  • Responsibility coverages
    • TPD Coverage for Basic Responsibility (min & max)
    • CI Coverage for Basic Responsibility (min & max)
    • Immediate Death Expenses (IDE) (Amount)
    • Recover & Recuperating Funds (RRF) (Amount)
    • Medical Health Insurance Needs (Amount)

Follow the steps below:

1. At the Advisee page (, select the Advisee that you wish to update.
Advisee Page with List of advisees

2. As you land in the Summary Page of the Advisee, select the Personal Details
Select Personal Details

3. Here you can update your advisee’s Basic Personal Details
Advisee Personal Details

4. Scroll down and you can update the date this Advisee officially bought from you and became your client.
Advisee as Client

5.  Scroll further down and you can update the Advisee’s Family member’s details
Family member details Update Family Member Details

6. And finally you can update the Responsibility Coverage Information.
Update Responsibility Coverages

7. Click Save to update the Report.